What is money?

Money Is A Time Machine

If money works for you, why would you question it? Contactless payment in store; frictionless payment online; loans, credit cards, savings. For most Westerners there is little reason to question how those things happen, the only challenge is how much money you have, not how it works. But that isn’t the experience for everyone.

We need a bitcoin Babel Fish

I think that many people – JK Rowling included – feel like they are listening to an alien language when someone tries to explain Bitcoin to them. Unfortunately modern technology hasn’t invented a Babel Fish and Crypto speak isn’t in the dropdown for Google Translate, so how does Bitcoin reach mass adoption?

How can interest rates be negative?

Negative Interest Rates - Nothing For Something

The universe functions such that for every action there is a reaction, and conversely, nothing happens without some force or energy being applied. QED – This should also apply to money. But we live in times where logic seems to be breaking down, the biggest demonstration of which are negative interest rates.