Discover the importance of the Cantillon Effect. Why being closest to the money spout is a source of inequality, and whether anything can fix it.
Discover the importance of the Cantillon Effect. Why being closest to the money spout is a source of inequality, and whether anything can fix it.
The idea of a Circular Economy is increasingly promoted as the solution to our mounting environmental and social problems. But what does the term mean, and is it achievable?
The evolution of money has taken some surprising turns, so we’ve gathered 10 of history’s strangest forms of money from salt to shells and giant doughnut-shaped rocks.
How would you feel if your money expired like milk turning sour? Money with an expiry date, aka demurrage currency, might seem nuts, but could soon be coming to a central bank near you.
What’s driving the rise in popularity of metal detecting, and how likely is an amateur detectorist to be doing a gold dance after just a few sweeps of the coil?
The premise of the Litter Lotto is as simple as it sounds. Pick up litter for the chance to win cash prizes. But should we need to incentivise people to clean up their mess?
David Graeber’s book, Bullshit Jobs, suggested a third of jobs are pointless. A decade later, his ideas are more relevant than ever.
In 1968 Garrett Hardin coined the phrase, the Tragedy of the Commons. Almost half a century later, and we’re still fouling our own nest without a workable solution to avert tragedy.
From Bullshit Jobs to Japan’s Rental-do-nothing-man we look at jobs that promise to pay you to do nothing. Can you get wealthy without lifting a finger?
What is rent-seeking? There’s a strict textbook definition of socially unproductive economic activity and a broader sense of just milking the system. The truth is somewhere in between, where Covid contract VIP lanes meet secondary ticket markets.