What are Prize Linked Savings?

What are prize linked savings

Prize Linked Savings are a cross between a lottery and a savings account. The chance of a big Jackpot win and the guaranteed return of funds attract depositors but as with anything in life, PLS aren’t a free lunch.

What is time preference & why is it changing

time preference and evolution

If you asked the average person in the street what two things they would want more of, the likely answer would be time and money. Joe Public is working harder for less and increasingly living day-to-day. Economists might explain it through changes in time preference. But what is time preference, and why is it changing? Find out via a four-paragraph history of civilisation, an episode of Atlanta and Bitcoin.

How can interest rates be negative?

Negative Interest Rates - Nothing For Something

The universe functions such that for every action there is a reaction, and conversely, nothing happens without some force or energy being applied. QED – This should also apply to money. But we live in times where logic seems to be breaking down, the biggest demonstration of which are negative interest rates.